Enlaces premios y disticiones
¨El conflicto inconsciente, la más reciente obre de Jose Ney¨ Revista Artepoly, Barcelona, España. 2021.
- Bronze in Book/Documentary
PX3 - Prix de la Photographie, Paris. 2021. Francia.
- Honorable Mention / Fine Art / Abstract
PX3 - Prix de la Photographie, Paris. 2021. Francia.
- AWARD FINALIST. Anonimus. Shoot (photo/video) Professional.
London International Creative Competition. LICC 2020. London.
- AWARD SHORTLIST. Notes for the end of a Century... Shoot (photo/video) Professional. London International Creative Competition. LICC 2020. London.
- AWARD SHORTLIST. S/T. Shoot (photo/video) Professional.
London International Creative Competition. LICC 2020. London.
- FINALISTS. Interior Landscapes, nº 4. (Art of the Surreal, Fantastic and Bizarre)
National Juried Art Exhibition BARRETT ART CENTER. 2021. N.Y.
- JURY TOP 5 SELECTION. The Bull, The Last Gladiator. Book-Documentary.
Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Bronze Winner. The Bull, The Last Gladiator. Category Book-Documentary.
Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Bronze Winner. Notes for the end of a Century... Category Book-Documentary.
Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Honorable Mention. ¿Bullfighting; A Cultural Tradition? Category Portfolio-Personal.
Tokyo International Foto Awards. TIFA, 2020. Japón.
- Award Finalist. S/T. Inside / PHmuseum 2nd Photobook On Mobile Photography. PHOTOGRAPHIC Museum of Humanity. Bologna, Italy. 2021.
- Silver Winner. Opposite senses (Category Nature-Pets).
Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Bronze Winner. Land, Land, Land. (Category Book-Documentary).
Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Bronze Winner. Structures In Suspension Balances. (Category. Architecture-Industrial). Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention. The Bull, The Last Gladiator. (Category Book-Documentary).
Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention. The Bull, The Last Gladiator. (Category Editorial-Photo Essay).
Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention. Anonymous. (Category Fine Art-Collage).
Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- Honorable Mention. Land, Land, Land. (Category Portfolio-Personal).
Budapest International Foto Awards. BIFA 2020. Hungría.
- 3rd Place and Bronze Award. Opposite senses. (Special: Mobile Photography)
ND Awards 2020. Neutral Density photography awards.
- Honorable Mention. Anonymous. (Fine Art: Photomanipulation)
ND Awards 2020. Neutral Density photography awards.
- Honorable Mention. Casual Interventions (Fine Art, Minimal / Minimalism)
IPA 2020. International Photography Awards.
- Honorable Mention. Land, land, land (Analog / Film, Other)
IPA 2020. International Photography Awards.
- Honorable Mention. The Bull (Editorial / Press, Photo Essay Feacture Story)
IPA 2020. International Photography Awards.
- Honorable Mention. Land, land, land (Editorial / Press, Photo Essay / Feacture Story) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards.
- Honorable Mention ¿Bullfighting; A Cultural Tradition? (Event, Traditions and Cultures) IPA 2020. International Photography Awards.
- Honorable Mention. Anonymous (Fine Art, Collage)
IPA 2020. International Photography Awards.
- Honorable Mention. The Bull, the last Gladiator. (Book, Self Published)
IPA 2020. International Photography Awards.
- Mención Honorífica. Opposite senses (Nature / Domestic Animals)
PX3 2020. Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris.
- Mención Honorífica. Notes for the end of a Century... (Book / Documentary)
PX3 2020. Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris.
- 2nd Place. Anonymous. (Documentary / Street).
Members Show Winners FMoPA. 2020.
- Silver. The Bull (Editorial Photo - Essay)
MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards.
- Mención Honorífica. The Bull, The Last Gladiator (Book Documentary)
MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards.
- Mención Honorífica. ¿Bullfighting; A Cultural Tradition? (Portfolio - Personal)
MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards.
- Mención Honorífica. Anónimos (Fine art - Collage)
MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards.
- Mención Honorífica. Structures In Suspension Balances (Architecture - Cityscape)
MIFA 2020. Moscow International Foto Awards.
- Honorable Mention. The Angels Romantic of The Earth. (Portfolio-Personal)
Budapest International Foto Awards (BIFA 2019)
- 2nd Place. Opposite senses. (Special Pets)
International Photography Awards (IPA 2019)
- Honorable Mention. Notes For The End of A Century... (Book self Published)
International Photography Awards (IPA 2019)
- Honorable Mention. Notes For The End of A Century... (Book documentary)
International Photography Awards (IPA 2019)
- Award Finalist: Puzzles. The Big Reveal: Telling Truth in an Age of Fiction.
Projection outside El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe (CENTER and CURRENTS New Media Festival). Santa Fe, NM. EE.UU.
- Honorable Mention. Notes For The End of A Century. (Book Documentary)
Moscow International Foto Awards. MIFA 2019.
- AWARD: SHORTLIST. Passports. Photography (Professional)
London International Creative Competition. LICC 2018.
- Honorable Mention. Opposite senses. (Professional)
International Monochrome Photo Awards Book 2018.
- Honorable Mention. Quinceañeras (Event-Traditions and Cultures)
International Photography Awards. (Professional) IPA 2018.
- Award Finalist ¨Photo exhibit international¨.
Downtown Arts Collective, Orlando, Fl. EE.UU.
- 3rd Place. 16th Annual Members Show. (CATEGORY: ABSTRACT)
The Florida Museum of Photographic Arts, Tampa. EE.UU.
- Award Finalist: North vs South Art of EE.UU. Artistportfoliomagazine.
- Award Finalist: “Human Rights”. International Exhibition. The House of Peace. Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, Rovereto. Italia.
- Award Finalist: "Diálogos en la Complejidad" Jurado Internacional de Premiación: VII Bienal Internacional de Arte SIART 2011. Museo Tambo Quirquincho. Ciudad de La Paz. Bolivia.
- Finalista (Arte Digital) “XXXVI Premio Bancaja de Pintura, Escultura y Arte Digital” Instituto de Arte Moderno de Valencia, Sala La Muralla, Valencia. España.
- Award Finalist: ¨Flujos y reflujos¨ Jurado Internacional de Premiación: VI Bienal Internacional de Arte SIART 09. Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de la Fundación Simón L. Patiño, Edificio Guayaquil. Cochabamba - Bolivia.
- Finalista “II Certamen de Artes Plásticas de la Fundación Villalar-Castilla y León”
Sede de las Cortes de Castilla y León. Valladolid, España.